▸ SHOW® SHOW® is a nearly black rear projection screen with limited front projection capabilities. Due to its dark color, it absorbs unwanted stray ambient light very well thus producing brilliant color contrast and

depth of field. It has a narrow field of view and can hot-spot when illuminated from behind with a strong light source. Due to its dark color, it is most often used as an effects screen for laser projections and in rear projected applications when the screen wants to disap- pear when not projected upon. Not recommended for edge blend- ing. Rear screen gain is 1.25.

▸ STUDIO® STUDIO® is a good all-purpose neutral grey rear pro- jection screen originally developed for theatrical use onstage. It is an affordable screen as it works very well for rear illuminated color washed backdrops

with front projection capabilities. Due to its light scattering quality, it is well suited for rear projected edge blending applications.

Flame Retardant Width: 80 Bolt Length: 70 yds 100% PVC

Price Per Yard Cut Bolt $65.00 $54.00

Flame Retardant Width: 80 Bolt Length: 70 yds 100% PVC

Price Per Yard Cut Bolt $65.00 $54.00

2123 0000

2124 0000

Front Projection Gain: 0.14

Front Projection Gain: 0.31

Rear Projection Gain: 0.25

Rear Projection Gain: 0.24


Viewing angle in degrees

Horizontal Gain Product: SHOW Rear Projection Screen, Size: 40 high x 87 wide Project: Nabucco, Seattle Opera Technical Director: Chris Reay Photo: Robert F. Reynolds

Projection Screens ▸ FRONT & REAR PROJECTION

3332 Projection Screensgerriets.us | 800-369-3695 | info@gerriets.us