compressing plastic bags, rolling them and then weaving them into thin strips. By creating functional and decorative objects made of Plastex, waste is suddenly given a new and totally different life.

Reform, the name of your studio, shows how you want to make an impact on minds, as well as on objects.

Our ambition is to make an environmental and a social impact by calling on ever-rarer artisanal skills, and to make an economic impact by giving work to women from underprivileged backgrounds. We also want to send out a message telling the story behind the objects we design. Egyptian society is changing, and design must contribute to this change.


L ouvrage ou la personnalité qui vous a le plus marquées Le présentateur et activiste saoudien Ahmad al-Shugairi, dont le show télé prêche avec beaucoup d humour la tolérance, l ouverture, l égalité hommes-femmes

L actualité récente qui vous a donné de l espoir L ouverture du nouveau canal de Suez est un des symboles, parmi d autres, des efforts menés en Égypte et de l espoir qui continue d animer les gens.

La phrase dont vous avez fait votre maxime Une phrase d Antoine de Saint-Exupéry qui définit parfaitement le design : « La perfection est atteinte non pas quand il n y a plus rien à ajouter, mais quand il n y a plus rien à retirer. »

La question qui vous tient éveillées la nuit Les savoir-faire traditionnels locaux sur lesquels nous nous appuyons vont-ils persister ?

The work or personality that has marked you the most The Saudi presenter and activist Ahmad al-Shugairi, whose TV show pleads for tolerance, open-mindedness and gender equality, with plenty of humour.

Recent news that has given you hope The opening of the new Suez Canal is just one of the symbols of the efforts being made in Egypt, and of the hope that continues to drive many people.

The phrase that you have adopted as your motto A phrase from Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, which defines design perfectly: Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.

The question that keeps you awake at night Will the traditional skills we rely on survive?

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