
Un livre, un film, une initiative qui a changé votre regard sur l océan ? Plastic Paradise, le documentaire de la journaliste américaine Angela Sun, sur le vortex de déchets dans le Pacifique Nord (2013) qui m a fait réagir et concevoir le projet Upcycling the Oceans.

Une actualité récente qui vous a donné de l espoir ? Je pense à la création par Barack Obama, en août 2016, de la plus grande zone marine protégée du monde autour d Hawaï, et à l engagement renouvelé de passer de 3 % de zones marines protégées sur la planète à 10 % en 2020.

Une prédiction sur les océans dans vingt ans ? Si nous ne faisons rien, toutes les études montrent que d ici 2050, il y aura plus de plastique que de poissons dans les océans

A book, a film or an initiative that changed your perception of the oceans? Plastic Paradise, the documentary by the American journalist Angela Sun on the vortex of waste in the North Pacific (2013), which made me react and come up with the Upcycling the Oceans project.

Some recent news that gave you hope? I think about the new announcement by Barack Obama about the new biggest protected marine area around Hawaii approved in August 2016 and the commitment to take the actual 3% of marine protected areas to 10% in 2020.

A prediction on the oceans in 20 years? All the studies have shown that, if we don t do anything, there will be more plastic than fish in the oceans by 2050.


fabrics. We started off in eleven ports on Spain s Mediterranean coast between Valencia and Murcia, where we equipped 165 boats with containers in which the fishermen can deposit the waste caught up in their nets. The waste is sorted, and the plastic debris is crushed, purified and transformed into the pellets that form the raw material of the weaving thread. Here again, we are investing in R&D and setting up industrial partnerships to reach the highest standards of quality and to demonstrate how Ecoalf sees superior quality raw materials, where others only see waste.

1-Founded by philanthropist Henry A. Pincus to support responsible projects.

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Fil fait à partir de plastique recyclé | Thread made from recycled plastic