How can you improve the situation regarding waste management in the community?

There are obviously some serious environmental, economic and health problems. Today, there is no organised waste collection, neither recycling nor sorting. The waste is dumped anywhere, in the street, in the river, etc. This problem affects the entire community, which results from the absence of any public policies in these matters. When you cannot rely on an existing system

Quel est l ouvrage ou la personnalité qui vous a inspiré ? Je ne citerai pas une personne en particulier mais une vision. J ai une formation d environnementaliste et d écologie humaine et je considère simplement que le concept de développement durable est fondamental. Je m attache à vivre selon ces principes.

Quelle serait la bonne pratique circulaire à encourager ? Il faudrait surtout éviter le surconsumérisme et utiliser au maximum de leur potentiel les produits que nous achetons voire, idéalement, les réutiliser. C est une prise de conscience à plusieurs échelles : savoir qu acheter un nouveau téléphone alors que le sien fonctionne génère une surconsommation et une surproduction inutile, mais aussi que manger 250 grammes de nourriture vendue en fast-food génère 1 kilo de déchet.

Comment voyez-vous les choses dans dix ans ? Fondamentalement, je suis assez pessimiste. Si l on ne prend pas mieux en compte ces principes simples qui permettent de sauvegarder la planète, si l on ne réfléchit qu aux intérêts particuliers, je crois que l on va perdre la bataille. Il est très difficile de lutter contre certaines forces, mais nous devons lutter pour remporter cette victoire.

Which is the work or person that inspired you? It would be a vision, rather than a person. I followed training in the environment and human ecology, and I simply believe that the concept of sustainable development is fundamental. I insist on living according to its principles. Which good circular practice would you encourage? Most of all, we must avoid over-consumption and make the very most of the products we buy, ideally by reusing them. This means raising awareness on a number of levels. People need to understand that buying a new telephone, when your old one still works, results in pointless over-consumption and over-production, or that eating 250 grams of fast food produces 1 kilo of waste.

What is your vision of things in 10 years? Fundamentally, I am quite pessimistic. If we do not adopt these simple principles that will save the planet, if we only think of our own individual interests, then I think that we will lose the fight. It is very difficult to fight against certain forces, but we must, if we are to win in the end.


to manage the waste correctly, it becomes difficult to make things better. National public policies, which are often far removed from serving the greater good, can even frustrate personal initiatives. In the community, there is very little sense of the civil action and organisation that is needed to build positive projects. The waste is a social and a cultural problem. Old habits die hard, and new initiatives are not always welcome. We want to change these attitudes and to make the inhabitants more aware of the situation.