that dismantle electronic appliances. Our production plant near Bogotá can recycle up to 250 tonnes of plastic per month. The plastic is collected, washed, sorted by type and then mixed with additives to give it the physical behaviour we want. Then, we extrude it in moulds, so that it densifies. We produce different types of blocks that can be used to build 100% plastic houses, from the structure to the insulation, even if the Colombian standards require a structure made partly of metal. The properties of these blocks are similar to those of traditional materials, especially in terms of their thermal and acoustic capacities, and they are even more weather-proof.

What are the social impacts of this technical innovation?

Most importantly, the housing units made of our materials are very easy to build, especially in emergency situations. With the help of our partners, or after just half a day s training, anyone can quickly build their own little house. This solution is particularly well suited to the poorest populations, for whom we have set up a partnership with the Inter-American Development Bank, which provides access to our solutions through savings schemes. We have worked a lot in rural regions, which are the most neglected by the construction industry. And today, we are turning to the peri-urban zones, with a first project in the offing in the city of Cali. We also plan to export the model outside Colombia. The only limitation on reproducing this model wherever it would be useful, is not so much a matter of tools (the machines and tools are from our plant), but of collecting the right raw materials. This demands a commitment from the plastics industry, the construction industry and the public authorities.


Quel est l ouvrage ou la personnalité qui vous a inspiré ? J ai toujours été proactif sur les thèmes environnementaux, mais la personne qui a accompagné cette tendance et m a le plus inspiré est mon épouse, grâce à sa préoccupation pour le social et à son envie d agir pour les communautés vulnérables. Aujourd hui, elle fait partie de l équipe.

Quelle serait la bonne pratique circulaire à encourager ? La consommation responsable : c est très important que nous soyons tous conscients de ce que nous consommons (quels types de produits achetons-nous, comment sont-ils emballés, quel impact social et environnemental auront-ils une fois qu ils ne seront plus dans nos mains, etc.). Aujourd hui, 75 % des produits en plastique sont à usage unique : c est quelque chose que nous devons vraiment changer.

Comment voyez-vous les choses dans dix ans ? Le monde a besoin d une économie circulaire. Les grandes entreprises y travaillent, et les nouvelles générations sont davantage impliquées. D ici là, nous devons mener un combat quotidien pour limiter les effets du changement climatique, et non pas seulement nous y adapter. Nous avons tous, à notre échelle, la solution à ce problème.

Which is the work or person that inspired you? I have always been proactive about environmental subjects, but the person who nurtured this trait and has inspired me the most is my wife, because she cares about social matters and wants to take action to help vulnerable communities. Now, she is part of the team.

Which good circular practice would you encourage? Responsible consumption. It is very important that we all become aware of what we consume: the types of products we buy, how they are packaged, their social and environmental impacts once we have disposed of them, etc. Today, 75% of plastic products are disposable. This is something that we really have to change.

What is your vision of things in 10 years? The world needs a circular economy. Big business is working on it, and the younger generations are more involved. In the meantime, we have to fight everyday to limit the effects of climate change, and not simply to adapt to them. At our own individual level, we all have the solution to this problem.