The Jungle Adventure Quiz!

Welcome to the jungle!

Embark on a thrilling journey deep into the heart of the jungle, where lush greenery, exotic creatures, and mysterious landscapes await. This quiz is your passport to explore the wonders of the world's most fascinating ecosystems.

May your curiosity be your compass to become the ultimate jungle champion!

Embark on a thrilling journey deep into the heart of the jungle, where lush greenery, exotic creatures, and mysterious landscapes await. This quiz is your passport to explore the wonders of the world's most fascinating ecosystems.

May your curiosity be your compass to become the ultimate jungle champion!

Question 1/7

Jungle Geography: What is the largest jungle in the world?

Question 2/7

Jungle Creatures: What do you call a monkey that likes to play music?


Question 3/7

Jungle Explorer Challenge: True or False Swipe up or down each card in the right container:
Jungle Explorer Challenge: True or False

Use arrow keys or drag & drop to move the cards to the corresponding zone

Move left

  • The Amazon Rainforest produces about 20% of the world's oxygen.

  • Gorillas are native to the jungles of South America.

  • The poison dart frog, found in jungles, gets its toxicity from its diet in the wild.

  • Jaguars are excellent swimmers and often hunt in the water.

  • The majority of the world's monkeys live in the jungle.

  • Tarzan, the legendary jungle hero, was raised by wolves.

Move right


Question 4/7

Jungle Plants: Which plant, often called the "walking palm," is known for its ability to shift its roots to move towards sunlight?

Question 5/7

Match the Jungle Pairs

When you feel the answer is appropriate, confirm the match to move on to the next question

Move left

Cashapona or Socratea
Pitcher Plant
Sensitive Plant

Move right

Largest flower in the world
Carnivorous plant with a pitcher-shaped trap
Known for its ability to trap insects by rapidly closing its leaves
Called the "walking palm"

Question 6/7

Jungle Adventures: The Amazon Rainforest is home to the famous river. What is its name?

Question 7/7

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