A bio-inspired solution worth inventing. By drawing inspiration from the skin of some marine animals such as sharks, it is possible to create fabrics and materials in order to inhibit, for example, bacteria proliferation.
The living being or the property of the living world that fascinates you most. Since I worked on a bee-keeping project in Paraguay, I have been fascinated by bees!
The place on Earth that you would protect above all others. In my dream world, the polar icecaps. In reality, the corridors3 that link Yellowstone National Park to Yukon, Canada.
3 - Ecological corridors provide connections between biodiversity reservoirs, offering species favourable conditions for their movement and the completion of their life cycle.
in the field of biology. The technologies developed by research laboratories will multiply. In the field of engineering, there is a huge potential in the material sciences, energy and water management. Nature also has many lessons to teach us about carbon sequestration and utilising abundant resources to manufacture goods. Blue Planet Ltd., for example, uses abundant CO2 as a raw material much as corals and other cementitious organisms do for making carbonate rock for cement, sequestering carbon in the process. In view of the current and imminent impacts of climate change, it is imperative to continue learning from nature how to store carbon and utilise waste or atmospheric carbon as a building block.
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The Mangrove Still project, which draws its inspiration from salt marshes and mangroves swamp to produce fresh water