Consolidated income statement /in thousands of euros 31/03/2022 31/03/2021
TURNOVER 1 518 719 1 379 706 Write-back of provisions and depreciations 2 516 4 272 Other operating income 12 625 8 615 TOTAL OPERATING INCOME 1 533 861 1 392 593 Purchases -77 606 -63 439 Staff costs -463 492 -434 084 Including employee participation -3 432 -2 408 Other operating expenses -883 908 -784 690 Taxes, levies and similar payments -14 116 -15 846 Allowances for depreciation and provisions -58 047 -55 842 TOTAL OPERATING CHARGES -1 497 169 -1 353 901
OPERATING PROFIT 36 691 38 692 Goodwill amortisation allowance -2 436 -3 259
OPERATING INCOME 34 255 35 434 Financial profit / loss -3 144 -2 404 Exceptional profit / loss -5 233 -2 276 Income tax -12 592 -11 804 Deferred tax -364 -873
PROFIT/LOSS FOR THE PERIOD 12 924 18 077 Attributable to:
Minority interests 0 -39 Group share 12 924 18 116
BEFORE ALLOWANCE of goodwill amortisation and impairment
AFTER ALLOWANCE of goodwill amortisation and impairment
Annual report 47 FMÂ Logistic 2021/22