The 22 stories in this collection,
‘Dear World Leaders: Many
people are blind to the climate
crisis’- Climate Change Stories
for COP28 Decision Makers,
convey urgent messages unif ied
by a common theme: the need
for climate action now at the
COP28. The VU Amsterdam
community, including students,
writers, artists, scientists,
AI, an inf luencer, and an
indigenous writer, collaborated
to present the climate crisis
to you in ways that are we
hope creative surprising and
inspiring Our stories range from
f ictional encounters to non
f ictional letters travel reports
infographics and even cartoons
While some stories acknowledge
the severe impacts of this
complex crisis they also discern
wisdom and hope in human
choices in shaping a better
future. Most explore deteriorating
environments and climates in
the not-so-distant future. You’ll
witness the climate crisis from
diverse perspectives, global
locations, and through various
characters’ eyes.
The single goal of these stories
is to awaken you - policymakers,
CEOs, and politicians - to take
decisive action for our climate
and all life on Earth. We call for
ambitious climate policies to
safeguard us all.
Yours sincerely,
Sjoerd Kluiving (1s, VU
Amsterdam), Marc ter Horst,
Nicky Bosman, Clemens Kaupa,
Lodewijk Koster, Simone Burger,
Luuk Huitink, Brijlal Chaudhari,
Babette Porcelijn, Linde Ex,
Jessica Hill, Douwe Jan Joustra,
Michelle Engelmann, Marloes
Morshuis Ellie Domigan Helena
Style Muñoz Mariam Sugijanto
Thijs Goverde Insa Duvos
Sijanda de Boer and Konstantinos
Sjoerd Kluiving
Distinguished Fellow of
the Anthropocene 2023 VU