Burden or
From Low-carbon
to High-carbon
Last year a national organization of
businesses organized for the f irst time a
conference on the ‘low-carbon economy’.
They invited me to tell them something about
the development of the circular economy.
Walking around during the conference
listening to some of the speeches and
discussions it struck me that not many
happy faces were to be seen in the crowd
Of course the theme is serious climate
change can be felt everywhere nowadays
drought hurricanes excessive rain as
general examples but what motivates people
towards change
Ive been working on increasing sustainability
all my life and saw this happen before In the
worst case it results in denial or minimal
responses In my opinion the economy is
the driver of change sometimes because of
increased regulation but mostly because of
increased prof its. So, for me, and you, the key
question is: how can businesses create prof it
based on the ‘use’ of carbon?
Every time the businesspeople were
told during this LowCarbon Economy
Conference you should minimize your CO2
emissions with x in 2030 and xx in 2050
they nodded but showed no expression
of trust or action Low Carbon feels as a
burden was my observation The complexity
of the problem and the given solution gives
the entrepreneurs a feeling of insecurity
partly because the connected language is
not familiar and partly because the impact
on production and business is anticipated
as downgrading No one feels happy with a
downgrading ambition This ambiguity hit the
crowd hard