The Wind That
Brings the Rain
In the Indian city of Cherrapunji,
there is a sign saying THE
There are places in the world that think
theyre even wetter but its safe to say that
Cherrapunji is a wet place On average 11
meters of rain fall there every year Thats
enough to give a diplodocus a dunking
Compare it to Chicago where there are
around 90 centimeters of rainfall a year or
even rainy Vancouver which gets roughly
130 centimeters But its not always wet in
Cherrapunji In December and January a
couple of centimeters fall at most while in the
summer it pours and pours The month of July
1861 even made it into the Guinness Book of
Records. A total of 9.3 meters of rain fell—in a
single month.
The big differences in rainfall are because of
the monsoon that blows in India and southeast
Asia The monsoon is a wind that f irst blows
one way for six months and then reverses and
goes the other way This has to do with the
temperature differences between land and
sea When the wind comes off the land the
air is very dry When the wind blows from the
sea it brings a huge amount of water with it
Global warming is making these differences
even larger And the monsoon is becoming
more diff icult to predict Sometimes it can be
very dry and sometimes very wet Sometimes
the monsoon is much too early and sometimes
much too late