Since 2014 JeanPierre Hervé has served as the Consumer
Ombudsman for the ENGIE Group
He was among the f irst independent ombudsmen listed in
February 2016 as a Consumer Ombudsman
for a f iveyear term a mandate renewed by the State
Commission in February 2021 With expertise in mediation
consumer af fairs energy and energy ef f iciency
he dedicates his independent knowledge to assisting
all applicants and stakeholders including consumer
associations institutions and legal services
A look back at 2023
with Jean-Pierre Hervé,
Ombudsman for the ENGIE Group
“Seeking fairness:
a guiding principle and
a challenge amidst the
energy crisis
J.-P. H. : The Mediation team faced an unprecedented cri-
sis scenario: a doubling of mediation cases and a signif icant
surge in complaints, including a record number from claim-
ants who had terminated their contracts! To address these
new challenges, we adapted and restructured our organisa-
tion. I want to extend my heartfelt gratitude to my team for
their dedication, commitment, and professionalism during this
demanding period.
The surge in complaints mainly af fected ENGIE’s Consum-
er Division (individual customers), linked to the sharp rise in
prices experienced by consumers in 2022. Additionally, there
was an increase in complaints related to Energy Saving Cer-
tif icates (EEC), as the crisis prompted consumers to invest
in energy ef f iciency. For ENGIE Home Services (EHS), after
a successful year in 2022 regarding complaint handling, the
number of complaints in 2023 increased by 1.6 times, and the
number of mediations by 2.4 times.
It’s worth noting that complaints from businesses also saw a
signif icant uptick due to expanded admissibility rules.
Furthermore, nearly 30% of complaints could have been re-
solved through mediation if ENGIE subsidiaries had adhered
to the complaint management process properly.
“In response to the crisis, the
Mediation team has adapted and
reviewed its organisation.”
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J.-P. H. : In the energy sector, issues arose from a mix of
factors. Firstly, consumers received reassuring messages
about the government’s protective tarif f shield, which, in real-
ity, did not apply universally each year. Consequently, house-
holds may have been less diligent in critically assessing their
energy contract renewals in 2022 especially during such chal
lenging times
From the suppliers perspective there was a signif icant shift
in approach Previously complaint management focused on
consumption analysis as stable prices meant consumption was
the main factor behind bill increases However this changed to
a scenario where price f luctuations played a key role renew
al notices lacked clarity there were challenges in encouraging
consumers to compare options and managing instalments was
tied to bill adjustment rather than contract renewal
Concerning EEC consumers often struggled to adhere to the
precise yet rigid processes mandated by the government
mainly due to concerns about potential fraud Meanwhile
organizational changes at EHS disrupted established quality
In the midst of the energy crisis
that shook France and Europe,
what were the developments
for Mediation in 2023?
What types of issues
did you deal with?
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