The consumer Ombudsman for the ENGIE Group 2023 report
The consumer Ombudsman for the ENGIE Group 2023 report
2023: the Ombudsman for the ENGIE
Group feels the full impact of the crisis
As a reminder, the Ombudsman steps in after ENGIE’s customer
and consumer services handle cases.
Issues arising from contract renewals in
2022 started around April, coinciding with a
period of substantial energy price hikes.
Consequently, disputes f looded the Ombudsman’s of f ice from
October 2022 onwards (refer to the 2022 annual report). More-
over, the Ombudsman noted an increasing number of “non-re-
sponses” within two months from ENGIE’s customer services,
which were also overwhelmed during this crisis period.
An unprecedented crisis
for consumers
This is the f irst time that consumers have faced such a cri-
sis af fecting the electricity and gas tarif fs used for their
homes. This unprecedented situation raises questions about
energy contract management:
• Prior to 2022, high bills were typically linked to normal or ab-
normal increases in consumption. However, since 2022, they
2023: Crisis repercussions
Conversely, 2023 posed unprecedented challenges follow-
ing the energy crisis of 2022:
• The number of mediations doubled.
• Despite fair and equitable proposals, there was a decrease in
solution acceptance due to f inancial hardships resulting from
soaring energy prices and general inf lation.
• A signif icant rise in claims from professionals was observed.
have been solely attributed to the surge in energy prices. With
signif icant price volatility, it is becoming crucial for consumers
to regularly compare available of fers on the market.
• Monthly payments used to remain stable before 2022, as pric-
es only experienced minor f luctuations (aligned with regulated
tarif fs) and consumption levels stayed consistent from year
to year. Monthly payments were adjusted based on the pace
of annualized bills rather than contracts. However, in 2022,
this scheduling led to misunderstandings between price f luc-
tuations and the stability of monthly payments, sometimes
resulting in issues of consumer consent.
• The assurances provided by the French government, prom-
ising that the price cap would mitigate energy price hikes,
were perceived by many consumers as an absolute safeguard
against energy price surges. This perception likely diminished
the perceived need to compare of fers before committing to
a new contract.
• The complexity of understanding their of fers has further com-
plicated the situation for consumers: regulated of fers, market
of fers, whether indexed to regulated tarif fs or not, the disap-
pearance of the regulated gas tarif f, and the continuation of
the regulated electricity tarif f at EDF only, etc.
In this context the consumer service
has maintained its processing times
by training new employees relying on
advisors from the customer service
department streamlining processes
and benef iting from the support of the
legal team
For all individual customers within EN
GIE DGP we have introduced a range
of measures to inform and assist them
during challenging situations
We proactively notify our customers of
any changes to tarif f conditions at least
one month before their contract expires
We emphasise their freedom to cancel at
any time and without charge if the new
conditions are not suitable
• Since February 2022, based on the new
tarif f conditions of the contract, we es-
timate the client’s annual bill and of fer
them an adjustment to their monthly
payment (upwards or downwards) if
necessary to avoid signif icant reconcil-
Throughout the year using our My
Alert service we monitor customers
consumption and notify them when we
detect that their monthly payment may
not cover the estimated annual bill
Despite these various preventive meas
ures a small number of customers may
end up with a high adjustment bill for
example if they refuse to increase their
monthly payment or have dif f iculty pay
ing it In such cases we identify these
situations before sending the bill and
contact our customers before the due
date If they so wish we offer them a
suitable payment plan
• We have set up a dedicated team to han-
dle customer queries regarding contract
renewals (tel: 09 36 62 10 00).
• Additionally, we have established a spe-
cial unit to address specif ic cases. This
includes cull the measures mentioned
above (tel: 01 41 88 90 84).
Our specialised advisors
assist ENGIE customers
ef fectively and with
Finally if a case is referred to the Ombuds
man ENGIE complies with the Ombuds
mans recommendations in 100 of cases
In 2023 we pressed on with our ef forts
to enhance customer support introduc
ing three key measures
Continuing and bolstering the system for
adjusting monthly payments to ref lect
price changes or shifts in consumption
• Enhancing our personalised assistance
for customers facing high adjustment
bills or payment challenges.
• Evolving our renewal letters to provide
clearer guidance on potential price in-
creases (gradually implemented since
December to outline tariff conditions
both before and after the contracts end
Alexandre Simart
DGP - Head of Internal Customer
Customer Relations Centres
In 2022, the Ombudsman for the ENGIE Group saw record-
breaking performance. We witnessed a decline in claims and,
for the f irst time since 2014, a drop in mediations involving
consumers, all while maintaining a 90% agreement rate on
Ombudsman proposals.
At ENGIE DGP, we have applied price caps to all our eligible
energy of fers, following the conditions set by the authorities.
Like all energy suppliers, ENGIE has experienced high levels
of account adjustments and some cases have resulted in an
increase in complaints in 2023