The unwavering commitment
of the Ombudsman’s team
When the Mediation team, as early as the end of 2022, witnessed
a signif icant inf lux of complaints related to the energy crisis,
the team immediately shifted into “task force” mode.
We did not wish to undermine the proximity approaches linked
to the process, lodged with the CECMC (Consumer Mediation
Assessment and Control Commission) such as the initial con-
tact with each complainant by phone. This decision proved
wise: the complexity of tarif f shield mechanisms, the erratic
nature of customer services (resulting in a sharp rise in com-
plaints due to ENGIE failing to respond within two months),
and the soaring tarif fs causing hardships for clients, have
made proximity more vital than ever to reassure, listen, un-
derstand, explain, and aid the parties in decision-making.
An ad hoc organisation
We made processing mediations our top priority and freed up
time for each team member. Cross-cutting activities, essential
for the operation of the Mediation “start-up” (the cornerstone
of our independence), were postponed or minimally reduced.
For instance, the website saw limited updates regarding the
publication of articles or news. Nevertheless, we kept the pro-
ject to improve submissions through this channel going with
the help of our contracted company (Copotato).
Additionally, we asked for additionalextra trainee lawyers to
assist uslend a hand.
Jean-Pierre Hervé,
Ombudsman for the ENGIE Group, and his team.