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Convinced by the quality of its solutions for the distribu- tion of social benefi ts, the Chilean National Council for Educational Aid JUNAEB grants renewed its collaboration with Edenred. The Ticket Farmacia® card was launched in July 2010 to offer access to medication for the under- privileged, and for children in particular. Funded in full by the government, this card provides access to medication in 300 affi liated dispensing chemists for 2,000 children.


Public authorities use transport vouchers to help certain catego- ries of the population in precarious situations to access to a means of transport in order to remain mobile (the aged, the unemployed, students, etc.). These vou- chers, which replace the payment of cash allowances, can be used to travel by train, tram, taxi, etc. They are used in France, thanks to the Ticket Service® voucher and other vouchers issued on behalf of public authorities, and in Belgium with the Chèque Taxi.


Edenred also proposes solu- tions to public authorities to deploy social aid programs in the fi elds of sport and culture. By way of example, the Depart- mental Council of Essonne in France has set up an ambi- tious program designed to help young people take their fi rst steps towards becoming independent, which places the “Carte Jeune 91” at the heart of the department's policy for young people. This system provides them with access to training (driving license, qualifi cations to take part in social activities, etc.), leisure and cultural activities (concerts, theater, cinemas, swimming pools, book- stores, etc.) and public transport throughout France and in Europe. In 2011, 60,000 local youngsters aged between 16 and 19 benefi ted from this system, which has 400 affi - liated partners and sets the standard for social aid pro- grams in France.


Edenred is deploying and managing two social action projects in India at the request of independent non-pro- fi t organizations. The School Choice Vouchers program aims to cover the costs of educating 400 young girls from underprivileged backgrounds in 80 schools in Delhi for 4 years. As well as covering school tuition costs, the vou- chers issued for the purchase of textbooks, uniforms and meals are accepted in a network of affi liated merchants. Edenred manages the complete system, from the affi lia- tion of the schools, through the issue and personaliza- tion of vouchers, to the process to refund the schools. Edenred has also been appointed to manage the 5-year Enable Vouchers Education program that offers 850 underprivileged children the possibility of benefi ting from a quality education at a low cost.

Supporting the management of public

social programs

Toutes le s infos s

ur carte jeune91


carte jeune + decoupe 201

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In France, the government launched the universal service job voucher, Ticket CESU, to create jobs in the human services sector and to fi ght against the informal economy. Today, local authorities, and in particular the French departmen- tal authorities, use this voucher to allocate social aid to citizens who meet the criteria laid down by the law or the local authority (fi nancial resources, age, family situation, etc.). Ticket CESU makes sure that funds are used pro- perly and helps to manage aid programs. These solutions are also used in Belgium and Italy, respectively with the ALE voucher and the Ticket Family voucher, which is part of a program of fi nancing from the European Social Fund.
