Solid Recovered Fuel (SRF) is made from waste which would otherwise go to landfill. Any materials which can be viably recycled are removed from the waste, and the rest is shredded to form a high-specification fuel, which can be used as a replacement for coal in energy-intensive industries, such as cement manufacturing.

In September 2015, SUEZ inaugurated a new Solid Recovered Fuel facility in Rugby (UK) which will supply fuel to the town s CEMEX cement works. A tonne and half of the fuel, known as Climafuel®, produces the same amount of energy as a tonne of coal. SUEZ also runs a similar facility at Birmingham and together the two plants will supply CEMEX with around 250,000 tonnes of Climafuel a year.

première édition de l Observatoire mondial de la ressource the first worldwide resource Observatory Comment l opinion publique appréhende-t-elle les enjeux liés à la gestion de la ressource ? C est la ques- tion soulevée par la première édition de l Observatoire mondial de la ressource publiée en juin 2015 par SUEZ avec l institut Harris Interactive. Cette étude visait ainsi à déterminer la perception de ces enjeux par les habitants de neuf pays différents 1 . Dans l ensemble des pays, l eau, puis le pétrole et le gaz sont les ressources qui viennent le plus spontané- ment à l esprit des sondés. Au-delà de leur raréfaction, la notion de surexploitation des ressources est très présente et perçue comme étant à l origine de conflits d usage entre les différents acteurs. 92 % des Européens interrogés estiment ainsi que la gestion des ressources doit évoluer. Autre conclusion notable : les citoyens interrogés placent l enjeu des ressources à l échelle mondiale plutôt qu à l échelle locale.

1 Allemagne, Chine, États-Unis, Espagne, France, Pays-Bas, Italie, Suède et Royaume-Uni.

How does the general public perceive the issue of resource management? This was the question raised by the first worldwide resource Observatory, published by SUEZ in June 2015 with the Harris Interactive Institute. This survey aimed to determine how these issues are perceived by the inhabitants of nine different countries 1 . Water, followed by oil and gas, are the resources that spontaneously come to mind in the respondents in all the countries. In addition to the rarefaction of resources, the notion of their over-exploitation is predominant and is already perceived as the origin of conflicts of use between different players. 92% of the Europeans questioned think that resource mana- gement must change. Another noteworthy conclusion: the respondents consider resources to be a worldwide issue, rather than a local issue.

1 Germany, China, USA, Spain, France, Netherlands, Italy, Sweden and the United Kingdom.

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