Glossary Scope 1 emissions - Direct emissions generated by operations: projects (fuel consumption of mobile and stationary equipment), offices, warehouses, vehicle fleet, welding activities and fugitive emissions related to air conditioning systems, excluding biogenic CO2 emissions produced by mobile combustion sources, which are reported separately.
Scope 2 emissions - Indirect emissions related to energy production: the purchase of electricity, heat, and steam for premises and projects.
Scope 3 emissions - Indirect emissions upstream and downstream of operations: manufacturing and transportation of materials, operation and maintenance of completed projects, transportation, recovery and/or landfilling of residual materials, business travel, etc.
Virtual Design and Construction
The fundamental objective of VDC is to find the most appropriate strategy for managing a project, with the right combination of processes and technologies. This approach allows for a seamless transition from virtual design to physical construction. VDC uses collected data to recreate a digital model that is identical to the one built.
Scope 1, Scope 2, and Scope 3 emissions