Dior invited India Mahdavi to redesign one of its most emblematic perfume bottles, the iconic J adore amphora. The renowned architect and designer created an ultra-limited edition of 1,000 unique, numbered pieces. Her soft, full design features an endless, hypnotic warm golden glass spiral that circles up the J adore bottle s curves and neck, celebrating
P A R F U M S C H R I S T I A N D I O R J adore x
Ind ia Mahdav i: Craf tsmansh ip and moder n ity, or gen ius in a bot tle
the eternal gesture of virtuoso glassmakers. Each piece is an object of desire and technical prowess crafted in Venice by the ancient house of Salviati s master Murano glass blowers. Divinely modern, India Mahdavi s bottle is the perfect match for François Demachy s fragrance J adore Eau de Parfum Infinissime.