Holding our course
while adapting to change
What key trends do you expect
to unfold in the luxury sector?
We are emerging from a cycle of contrasting trends that began
in 2020 with the Covid-19 lockdowns. This challenging period
was followed by two years of robust growth for the luxury sector.
Today, the strong bounce in consumer spending is drawing to
an end as geopolitical uncertainties and inflation have taken
hold. Looking ahead, the pace of growth in the luxury market
should normalize. Against this backdrop, new trends are also
starting to take shape. First, because economic globalization is
taking place alongside a polarization in local differences with
respect to legislative frameworks and culture. That highlights the
need – now more than ever – for a “glocal” approach, positioning
our Maisons and their products globally while carefully accom
modating the diversity of local regulations communication
platforms cultural sensitivities and most crucially customer
expectations in each country
Second because the digitalization of our everyday life a trend
accentuated by the pandemic has reached a new phase of
maturity Ironically it has increased the importance of physical
proximity, in-person events and interactions with customers, but
these are all now enhanced by media and digital services,
backed by the power of data, to deliver a seamless, fully integrated
physical and digital experience.
And, finally, because societal expectations for businesses
– especially world leaders like LVMH – continue to grow. In addi-
tion to our major contribution to employment and innovation,
we need to play an active part in the transition to a carbon-free
economy, forever mindful of biodiversity and of each partner’s
role in the value chain. We are also responsible for protecting
our Maisons’ unique heritage by bringing in young talent, passing
on artisanal expertise and developing the skills needed to thrive
in today’s world.
How can you keep entrepreneurial
spirit alive at a world leader like LVMH
That flows naturally from our Groups history and culture Our
role is to encourage people to think big and to empower our
Maisonsgiving them the autonomy and the means to succeed
cultivating their own identities and driving their creative deci
Antonio Belloni,
Group Managing Director