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These Maisons draw their energy from their excep-
tional heritage, innovative mindset and receptive
outlook. The Group supports their development in a
spirit of entrepreneurship, long-term vision and respect
for what makes each of them so powerful and unique.
As ambassadors of an authentic art de vivre, it is our
responsibility to set the right example in every aspect
of our business, from product design to the experience
that customers have throughout their relationships
with the Group’s brands; from investment choices
to social and environmental initiatives. Because
what we do requires a diverse range of talent, we are
committed to training teams that embody excellence.
Because passing on skills is an integral part of our
culture, we want to use that opportunity to promote
social inclusion and employment. Because our crafts
make the most of nature at its purest and most
beautiful, we see preserving the environment as a
strategic imperative.
The values and actions encompassed by our sustainable
development attitude emerge from a tradition that
dates back to the origins of our Maisons and forms an
integral part of our heritage. Our long-term success
depends not only on the Group’s solid business model
and profitable growth strategy, but also on our unwa-
vering commitment to creativity, excellence, and our
environmental impact and corporate citizenship.
Business performance
Combining profitable growth and sustainability with
commitments to creativity and excellence. Applying
our creative passion to the art de vivre to which our
customers aspire. Strengthening our position as a
global leader, and being the benchmark for managing
and developing high-quality brands.
Nurturing talent
Encouraging all our employees to reach their full
career potential and achieve their aspirations.
Developing diversity and the wealth of human
resources at our companies in all the countries where
we operate, and encouraging initiatives in these areas.
Contributing to the knowledge and preservation of
our crafts outside the Group in addition to our own
expertise as artisans and designers.
Working together to preserve the planet’s resources,
to design and develop products that are compatible
with environmental concerns, reporting on our policies
and projects and the progress achieved in meeting our
objectives. Contributing to environmental protection
above and beyond factors directly related to
our operations by entering into active partnerships
with cooperating businesses, local authorities and
Partnerships and support
Maintaining and strengthening responsible relation-
ships with our partners, suppliers and subcontractors.
Implementing a patronage program for the widest
possible public benefit which reflects and transmits
our fundamental values.
Providing active support for major causes, humanitarian
projects and public health programs, and developing
initiatives in support of art and young people.