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Working conditions
Share of sedentary employees with an access to health cover % CMA CGM 86 84 100% by 2022
Optimal protection
Number of fatal accidents Number Maritime activities 1 0
Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate (LTIFR)
Rate Maritime activities 1.08 1.88 -40% by 2025 vs 2019
Injury Severity rate Rate Maritime activities 0.13 0.20
Number of fatal accidents Number Terminals activities 1 0
Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate (LTIFR)
Rate Terminals activities 7.20 13.18 -40% by 2025 vs 2019
Injury Severity rate Rate Terminals activities 0.32 1.06
Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate (LTIFR)
Rate CMA CGM Inland
9.10 N.A
Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate (LTIFR)
Rate CCEVA Logistics Inland
7.71 N.A
Caring for communities
Share of countries performing at least one local actions % CMA CGM 47 23
Containers of hope dispatched Number CMA CGM >1 300
100% by 2022
*Scope: CMA CGM stands for CMA CGM Group excluding CEVA Logistics For more information, please refer to the Methodology