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With support from the Group Risk Management department, a Sustainability risk mapping was initiated.
In 2020, identified risks in both
the Top Group Risk Map and across all focused-risk mappings were scanned to assess their relation with the 13 priorities listed in the materiality matrix.
This enabled us to determine: - Any discrepancies between
the risk level in the risk mappings and the evaluation performed at materiality matrix level. Differences have been explained & formalized.
- The existence of any challenges for which no risks had been identified. An evaluation of the
missing risks is to be performed.
- Risk of non-compliance with ethics and compliance regulations, particularly regarding competition, corruption, economic sanctions and personal data protection
- Human rights and working conditions
- Health, Safety & Security - Climate change and air quality - Pollution and harm to
biodiversity - Talent development - Partnerships with our suppliers
and subcontractors
A Sustainable Development risk map will be consolidated in 2021 in order to enhance the risk assessment activity mentioned above and to ensure full coverage at a Group level. The following pages detail strategies, objectives & actions implemented in 2020, on the 13 sustainable priorities of the Group.
Material issues and non-financial risks