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The CMA CGM Group mapping of security risks worldwide has been totally amended, with five risk levels, compared with four pre- viously, and dedicated security measures to be implemented in each country.
The SSF LOCATOR platform aimed at monitoring business trips worldwide will been extended to both CMA CGM and CEVA employees (previously only CMA CGM & CEVA HO and CMA CGM USA).
Modern technological resources are deve- loped in-house by the expert captains of Fleet Centers in order to mitigate naviga- tion-related risks, such as those related to the weather. These resources are then provi- ded to captains and officers on board Group vessels and include navigation aid systems or decision-making systems for navigation during bad weather.
A new QHSSE audit checklist has been implemented to get a better overview of ves- sel condition by area and to assess vessel cri- ticality (Low/Normal/Medium/High). Based on this criticality, a priority level is defined and sent to top management. This priority level is reviewed every week in cooperation with the fleet department. In addition, an Inland and terminals QHSSE policy was issued to implement common processes through QHSSE guidelines on all terminal and inland platforms. This action is based on the Top 10 risks .
We reported 2 fatal accidents, with sadness during the year despite all the safety mea- sures put in place.
1 fatal accident due to a container fal- ling onto the cabin driver of a CHE (Empty Container Handler). 1 death on board a ship.
NEAR MISSES A near miss (or dangerous situation) is a sequence of events and/or circumstances which could have caused damage or harm.
Near misses must be examined and recorded, and experiences shared, to reduce the probability of similar incidents occurring in the future. Most industrial accidents are preceded by near misses which should have served as a warning.
In 2020, CMA CGM recorded 2,344 near misses (terminals: 63; maritime: 2,281), a mar- ginally higher number than those recorded in 2019 (2,134).
Lost time injury frequency rate (LTIFR) Maritime
- 4 0% by 2025
1.08 1.88
2020 2019
Terminals 7.20
- 4 0% by 2025
Inland CMA CGM
Inland CEVA Logistics
Injury severity rate Maritime
0.13 0.20
Terminals 0.32 1.06
Number of fatal accidents
2 0
No loss of life
TARGETS Baseline 31.12.2019