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These indicators include 93% of the Group s consolidated workforce. Note 1: New hires are the number of employees who join the company between 1 January and 31 December of the reporting period, with contracts as defined in Note 1 Workforce .
People are accounted for as a new hire in their company if they are reassigned, sign a new employment contract with a different company in the Group, or have their original employment contract amended resulting in them being permanently assigned to a different Group company. Note 2: Departures are the number of employees with permanent or temporary contracts that leave the workforce of their own accord or at the request of the company between 1st January and 31st December of the reporting period. For this indicator, the crewing is excluded because the contracts are not Group contracts as well as sedentary staff members who are not reported in C&Me are excluded.
Share of women in management positions: This corresponds to the number of women in management positions / total number of managers (men and women). The number of women in management positions corresponds to sedentary female employees with at least one direct subordinate. This indicator includes 92% of the Group s consolidated workforce. For this indicator, the crewing is excluded because the contracts are not Group contracts as well as sedentary staff members who are not reported in C&Me are excluded.
Share of Women among TOP 100 salaries and share of non-French Nationals among TOP 100 salaries (%) The TOP 100 corresponds to the 50 highest salaries at CMA CGM and 50 the highest salaries at CEVA.
Share of sedentary employees with an access to health cover Total employees (%) The indicator reports the percentage of employees for whom CMA CGM Group facilitates an access to major medical treatment. For this indicator CEVA and CMA CGM Crewing are excluded. This indicator includes 37% of the Group s consolidated workforce. The Group is currently working to extend the perimeter in 2021.
TRAINING 1. Group total training hours The scope of classroom training data corresponds to France, Estonia, Malaysia (first half-year only due to
the transfer of SSC to China), the United Kingdom, USA, China and Brazil for office-based employees, and
seafaring personnel. It represents 24% of the Group workforce. The scope of e-learning training data corresponds to office-based and seafaring employees worldwide,
which is 100% of the Group s consolidated workforce.
Note 1: All types of training courses are included (internal and external) and all training methods (classroom, e-learning), on condition that they have an educational objective and are tracked and attended by an employee of the CMA CGM Group. The hours recorded reflect the time spent by employees in
training, and not planned or budgeted hours. - Classroom-based training courses of longer than one
hour are accounted for as delivered. The standard duration for one training day is eight hours.
- E-learning courses (interactive content) are calculated from 4 minutes in length, and educational videos from 30 seconds of connection. E-learning hours are tracked based on the hours completed, unless the connection time is not logical. In this case, the suggested time for completion is reported.