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The CMA CGM Group supports people with special needs during their professional career. In 2019, the CMA CGM Head Office launched the All Different program and took concrete action to ensure more effective communication on the topic: appointment of a Company Disability Officer, creation of a dedicated email address and a specific page on the Group Intranet. In 2020, a disabilities workshop was organised with unions orga- nisations to identify new actions. On December 3rd, CEVA Logistics pro- moted the International Day of Persons with Disabilities with a global perspec- tive and communicated with employee stories. In Europe, several employees with disa- bilities were courageous enough to share
their stories with other employees, publi- shing them in CEVA s newsletter, and on the Intranet.
CEVA LOGISTICS AND L OREAL UNITED FOR DISABILITY CEVA Logistics in Malaysia is promoting access to employment for the hearing impaired within the L Oreal Solidarity sourcing program. Since June 2020, hearing impairment employees have been allocated to suitable tasks in the value-added service area where minimum communication is required. So far, six employees have been hired and CEVA is looking to increase this figure in the future as the quality of work has met the expected standards.
PARTNERSHIP WITH AI MICROSOFT BY SIMPLON SCHOOL CMA CGM has decided to support and join this initiative by becoming one of the Marseille school s partners. An inclusive school aimed at integra- ting people who are unemployed and under-represented in the data and AI profes- sions: jobseekers, people from high priority districts, people with disabilities and women.
Training Number of Training days per employees
3 days by 2022
1.23 1.67
The number of training days per employee in 2020 compared with 2019 decreased by 26% due to COVID-19: the lockdown and remote working requiring deep trans- formations to train CMA CGM collabora- tors have been engaged, accelerated by the digital transformation.
In 2020, the CMA CGM Group provided 318,132 hours of training, an increase of 27% over the previous year thanks to CEVA integration and to increase of the e-learning share. The percentage of e-learning training increase in the total training and a virtual class replaced classroom trainings.
Training courses have been developed and expanded: Courses for seafarers focused on qua- lity of work, safety & security on board. With the arrival of our new fleet in the par- ticular context of COVID, LNG training courses were maintained but adapted with virtual classes. More than 250 seafarers have begun LNG cursus training. A mento- ring programme has also been developed.
The CMA CGM Academy has launched new leadership programmes and a series of soft skills solutions to help managers and team members improve their skills in com- munication, stress management, conflict management, giving and receiving feedback and adapting to change.
CEVA Academy has been totally reshaped. The Ethics & Compliance training course was designed using a new content builder and the leadership programmes continued to be deployed. The Contract Logistics business line rolled out 14 training courses to improve required skill sets and prepare employees for new roles through a set of mandatory and optional training courses.
204,329 99,270
E-learning: Number of total hours
113,803 150,638
Classroom: Number of total hours