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ETHICS & COMPLIANCE Number of whistleblowing reports processed and closed / Total of whistleblowing reports Share of alerts processed and closed within the Group s whistleblowing system Includes all reports available that have been processed and closed over total reports registered in 2020 on the Group s whistleblowing platform (Navex). This indicator covers reports relating not only to ethics but also to human resources, security & the environment. This tool is available for all the Group s internal and external stakeholders (including employees, customers, suppliers, subcontractors, associations and trade unions).
Number of collaborators who received an Ethics&Compliance training The number of employees that attended the Business Code of Conduct and Ethics e-learning training course in 2020. This concerns office staff, which represent 86%
of CMA CGM s total headcount and 43% of Ceva s total headcount.
Number of assessed suppliers Number of suppliers that were assessed and qualified as compliant through the Group s supplier
compliance process. The scope covers all types of procurement for CMA CGM (Indirect, Terminals, Intermodal, Chartering, CMA Ships, Bunkering, Feedering, Pool, P&T and Logistics).
Sustainable added value services
Green VAS: Contains ACT + range of product sold
Key KPIs indicators with quantitative objective. The scope is cope: all the TEUs booked all around the world by CMA CGM and any other brand from the group (APL, ANL, CNC, CS, MERCOSUL Line). Calculation Method: Each TEU booked by agents/ HO, are reported into LARA with a specific code
corresponding to the type of VAS sold. Except for Containership & MERCOSUL Line where extraction data will be done from their own system (since they are not using LARA).
Share of inland transport by rail or barge This KPI monitors the % of volumes transported through rail or barge compared to total volumes transported inland (trucks, barge, rail). The scope is CMA CGM & APL.
Number of companies receiving financial backing supported from the Group Companies in which CMA CGM has a direct interest via CMA CGM Ventures, CMA Participation or CMA CGM SA Companies in which CMA CGM has an indirect interest via our investments in investment funds (funds which in turn invest in various companies) Companies that are enrolled with Group-funded business incubators (ZeBox and Le Carburateur)
Share of non-French companies who received financial backing from the Group Describe the % of non-French companies financially
supported by the Group on the total of companies financially supported by the Group.