Our plan is based on three guiding principles:
Guiding principle n° 1
Reduce our GHG emissions by decarbonizing our operations
Guiding principle n° 2
Enable our clients and partners to transition
to a low-carbon economy
Guiding principle n° 3
Accelerate the transition to a low-carbon economy
Our aim is to align our reporting with the recommendations made by the Task Force on
Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD). To this end, senior management discussed the
risks, opportunities and initiatives related to climate on 12 occasions during the year. Our plan
to decarbonize our operations ref lects our determination to contribute to attaining a net-zero
world and integrates the risks and opportunities related to climate change.
Responsible for 13% of emissions in 2021, the building sector continued to be
the third biggest GHG emitter in Canada, after the transportation and oil and
gas sectors.
Faced with this striking statistic, we felt it was paramount to mobilize the entire
construction industry in Canada to f ind solutions that respond to the scope of
the climate change challenge. The industry has an important role to play in the
economic transition to a low-carbon future and it is with this goal that major
players are taking action to decarbonize their activities.
Following SDG 13, to “take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts,” we are striving
to measure and reduce our GHG emissions, and to help our clients and industry do the same.
→ Green value chain → Climate change
Our science-based plan seeks to signif icantly reduce our own emissions (Scope 1 and Scope
2)and to transform our value chain (Scope 3) as a means of structuring and prioritizing our
actions, and focussing on those that will have more impact.
Assess the value of a project based on its carbon footprint
Our plan to f ight
climate change
1. National Inventory Report 1990-2021: Greenhouse Gas Sources and Sinks in Canada, Government of Canada, 2023.
Our perspective
Health and safety
Culture of innovation | Climate change
Circular economy
Community relations
Indigenous relations
Diversity, equity and inclusion