This report looks at the construction and administration activities of Pomerleau’s three business units
(Quebec Building Operations, Canadian Building Operations and Civil and Infrastructure). These units
are present in seven regions across Canada (Atlantic, Saint-Georges, Quebec City, Montreal, Ottawa,
Toronto and Vancouver). Pomerleau’s subsidiaries are not included in the ESG performance indicators
of this report. Our environmental management system applies only to Pomerleau’s activities.
Pomerleau employs 4,000 people annually. We designate as our employees, anyone who works for us.
Our administrative employees represent people paid on an annual basis, including our site health and
safety coordinators and superintendents on our work sites, for a total of 1,764 people. Our work site
employees are people employed by us and paid by the hour, whereas the term “workers” designates
all people working on sites where Pomerleau is the general contractor, whether they are employed by
us or by our specialized partners.
Given their nature, some of the specif ic performance indicators related to personnel only pertain to
certain categories, as indicated in the tables presented in the Appendix. Our partners’ ESG performance
was not presented in this report. “Pomerleau work sites” or “Pomerleau projects” refer to all construc-
tion activities in which Pomerleau is engaged, regardless of contractual structure, unless otherwise
indicated. The consortium projects that Pomerleau is involved in are included in the performance indi-
cators if Pomerleau was mandated to execute the work. These are considered Pomerleau projects.
The inventory of GHG emissions was conducted according to the GHG Protocol using the operational
control approach to determine the scope of the inventory. Joint venture projects are not included in
this inventory. Our circular economy calculations are based on residual materials generated on our work
sites where Pomerleau has a contractual obligation to manage residual materials with the client. For
these projects, complete data on the production of residual materials are available, regardless of the
party who hired the supplier.
The scope of this ESG report
Our perspective
Health and safety
Culture of innovation | Climate change
Circular economy
Community relations
Indigenous relations
Diversity, equity and inclusion