The story of Veuve Clicquot is a story of daring, creativity and entre- preneurship. Madame Clicquot took the reins of the Maison after her husband passed away in 1805, even though, at that time in France, women could not work or hold a bank account. She had to overcome significant hurdles before finally gaining the respect of her peers and being dubbed the great lady of Champagne . She was a bold woman with big dreams she saw her Mai- son crossing frontiers and famously said: I want my brand to rank first, from New York to Saint Petersburg (Madame Clicquot, 1831). In 1972, to celebrate its 200th anni- versary, the Maison created an award the Veuve Clicquot Business Woman Award, now renamed the Bold Woman Award as a tribute to this very audacious lady. For fifty years, the Maison has been reward- ing and spotlighting business women who have built up, taken on or devel- oped a business. Since its launch, it has been presented to 350 women in
27 countries. On November 14, 2019, it went to Chrystèle Gimaret, Founder and CEO of Artupox International. Veuve Clicquot also awarded the Bold Future Award, previously known as the Prix Clémentine, to Julie Chapon, Cofounder of Yuka. The Maison presented Frédéric Mion, Director of Sciences Po university, with the Bold Champion Award, cre- ated this year to recognize men who work tirelessly to encourage better representation and consideration for women in society. For the first time, Veuve Clicquot also unveiled an international barometer of female entrepreneurship in 2019 prejudices, mental and structural barriers to be lifted and how to over- come them. The survey showed that there are still too many of these barriers preventing women from ful- filling their entrepreneurial ambi- tions. With this barometer, Veuve Clicquot is reasserting its commit- ment to business women and hop- ing to inspire generations of women to dare to be ever bolder.
We want to incite women to dare, assert themselves and reach for the stars, and that s what drives us to keep doing more: not only will we continue to publish our barometer and monitor changes, but we will also roll it out in other countries. We aim to take our commitment to another level, giving due recognition to the women, and the men, taking action. They are the inspiring, highly skilled role makers , who strive to encourage women to forge their own destinies and inspire future generations in turn and we re sure that Madame Clicquot would approve!
JEAN-MARC GALLOT, Chairman and CEO of Veuve Clicquot
Bold Woman Award, encouraging generations of women to be bolder!
Our Maisons take action